Kirchplatz bei der Kirche San Vittore Mauro (Station 7 Rundgang Hildesheimer)
The square behind the church of San Vittore Mauro forms the religious center of the Borgo di Poschiavo. It is framed by the church of San Vittore Mauro in the north, the oratory of Sant'Anna in the south and the Old Monastery in the east.
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In his memoirs, Gian Giacomo Matossi (1753-1838), one of the first emigrants who sought his fortune as a confectioner, recounts that he bought an old house in Via di Puntunai with his first income.
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The museum is housed in an elegant 19th-century palazzo, a pearl of local architecture. The history of the house is closely linked to Antonio Semadeni. The emigrated Puschlaver had made his fortune as a cafetier in Poland with great skill and had the palazzo built in 1856 on the site of an old farmhouse.
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