Palazzo Tommaso Lardelli e Giacomo Matossi (Station 3 Rundgang Hildesheimer)
The double palazzo Lardelli-Matossi shows most clearly the influence of the Rennaissance architect Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) on the work of Giovanni Sottovia.
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The beauty of Graubünden is world-renowned. No matter in what corner of the canton one travels, unique landscapes can be found everywhere- every spot in the mountain region is a masterpiece. In order to match this spectacular nature, the official white-red-and-white trail markers have been newly painted by an artist, called Stefan Rüesch.
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The Crotti (called «Crot» in Brusio, «Scelé» in Poschiavo) are round stone buildings with false vaults, which in the past were used to store food at cool, constant temperatures or, more rarely, as a kitchen or temporary accommodation.
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