Event Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair

Führung Sgrafits

The Sgrafits Engiadinais are an ancient culture that was first practised in Graubünden in the 16th century. Today, countless facades can be found in our region.


Du 29.10.2024 au 30.12.2025 de 14:00 à 15:30 heures
le mardi
Adultes CHF 10.00 (sans GK CHF 15.00), enfants gratuits
Sent, 7554, Suisse

The Sgrafits Engiadinais are an ancient culture that was first practised in Graubünden in the 16th century. Today, countless facades can be found in our region. Each symbol has its own meaning and history, which you will learn on the tour.
Meeting point: Butia Schlerin (Sent) at 9.30 a.m. Duration: approx. 1.5 hours Number of participants: min. 5 until max. 15 persons

If the event does not take place, you will be contacted by the Scuol Guest Information Office on day before at 5:00 pm. The ticket price will then be refunded automatically.

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