Place Prättigau

Agrotourismus Stapfa St. Antönien

Mongolische Jurte mit Yaks
Agrotourismus Stapfa St. Antönien

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Mongolische Jurte mit Yak
Agrotourismus Stapfa St. Antönien


An air of Mongolia in St. Antönien
The agro-tourism business Stapfa is situated on the sunny side at the entry of the wildromantic Valley of Gafien. Family Engel-Barfuss is running the farm with the main focus on dairy farming with fattening up. During summer the milk cows are on the alp. Then you can only meet the ducks, chickens and a few young calves on the premises. The small flock of Yaks is grazing on the meadow nearby. There are different toys and playthings available for the kids, such as a trampoline, sandpit, kick-tractors et cetera. There is a possibility to buy different homemade products directly on the premises. The offer varies accordingly to the season.


Agrotourismus Stapfa St. Antönien

Stapfa, 7246 St. Antönien

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