Chapel Surselva
Chapel of the Sorrowful Mother of God, Pigniu

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The building: The chapel was consecrated in 1735. Northeast-facing building with a square choir. Above the nave, a two-bay barrel vault with spandrels, in the choir a latticed cross vault. The chancel is lit by square windows and oculi. West entrance. A light ridge turret with an onion-shaped dome rises above the uniform gabled roof. Rural painting on the chancel arch and vault, dated 1776. Baroque altarpiece with a late Gothic predella. The Suffering Christ, whose pierced hands are held up by Mary and John (ca. 1490-1500).Bell without inscription or date.
(Text recorded by: Regiun Surselva)
Chapel of the Sorrowful Mother of God, Pigniu
Responsible for this content: Surselva Tourism.

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