Winter closure from October 30, 2023 to approx. beginning/middle of June 2024! Spectacular wall, best Rätikonkalk and breathtaking views!
The newly created via ferrata on the Gemstobelwand makes the heart of every ambitious via ferrata climber beat faster. The entrance is located a little above the easier family via ferrata Partnunblick. The Via Ferrata leads through vertical and partly slightly overhanging areas with a steady panorama of Schijenflue and Sulzfluh. The view down to the turquoise-blue Partnunsee is unique. The exit is located close to the border with Austria. The mountain hiking trail, which is located at the end of the trail, leads directly to the summit of the Sulzfluh.
Anyone who loves the "via ferrata classic" Sulzfluh will also be thrilled by this climb. The via ferratas can be easily combined.
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Grüsch-Danusa is specially designed for families and children. Probably the most beautiful children's area in Switzerland with magic carpet, passable jukebox, ski carousel, huge bouncy castle, snow scooter carriage, ghost train, ski school.
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On the idyllic Partnunsee is the climbing garden with three large blocks. The routes with funny names such as "Wizard Rumburak" or "Gimli the Dwarf" are waiting for beginners and families who want to try their hand at the Element Fels for the first time.
On the lake there are fire pits and even boats that can be borrowed.
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The permanent training facility for the search with avalanche transceivers (avalanche transceivers) is located below the mountain houses at the back of the Partnuntal in St. Antönien. The facility makes it possible for all interested parties to train the search for avalanche victims with their avalanche transceivers under realistic conditions.
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