Grillplatz / Feuerstelle beim Naturwaldreservat Chopfwald Grüsch
Directly on the hiking trail is next to a small biotope the wonderful Chopfwald fireplace with bench. The barbecue area can only be reached on foot or by bike.
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St. Antönien offers a stage for mountaineers, peace seekers and nature lovers in all seasons and nature lovers and nature-oriented tourism has a long tradition here. These are two of the reasons why St. Antönien is the first mountaineering village in Switzerland.
Being a mountaineering village is an award for the tireless commitment of the St. Antönier to a careful handling of nature, to a dynamic village with lived traditions and to an active social life. At the same time, it is a commitment to continue to take care of these values – so that St. Antönien remains livable and lovable.
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Monika Flütsch deviates stylistically from the purely traditional framework of the art of paper cutting. Popular motifs are cows of various kinds, alpine lives but also personalities, wrestlers up to the family tree. The filigree work, the precision and the incredible creativity will inspire you.
Contact: Monika Flütsch-Gloor, 7246 St. Antönien, Phone +41 81 332 28 81 or +41 76 537 18 63
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