Event Engadin St. Moritz

1st Swiss Mind Body Medicine Congress for Health Professionals

1st Swiss Mind Body Medicine Congress for Health Professionals


Rondo Congress and Cultural Centre

Skills to strengthen physical and mental resilience are taught, and there is an opportunity to exchange experiences and network. In addition, the latest scientific knowledge will be presented by national and international speakers. Aspects such as mindfulness & relaxation, exercise, nutrition, self-care and self-efficacy will be addressed and experienced.
As a special feature of the congress, Mind Body Medicine will be closely linked to skills training in nature, for which Pontresina in the Engadin is an ideal location. The possibilities for implementation can be experienced in a Mind Body Skill Training in nature.
Further information on the congress and registration at: sfmbm.org/kongress/ The congress is being organized in collaboration with the Swiss Professional Association for Mind Body Medicine, plattner & plattner AG, Hotel Maistra 160 and the Chair of Complementary and Integrative Medicine at the University of Zurich.


Rondo Congress and Cultural Centre

Via Maistra, 7504 Pontresina

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