Event Davos Klosters

Alliance Cinema Day: 200% Wolf

Animated film for the whole family


01.09.2024 from 16:00 to 17:30 o'clock
Culture Place Davos

Animated film for the whole family.


The brave poodle Freddy Lupin has everything to lead his werewolf pack – except respect. If only he were something ... wolf fisherman! But when he turns into a werewolf through a thoughtless wish and accidentally releases the mischievous baby moon spirit Moopoo on Earth, chaos is perfect: Earth and moon threaten to collide! Together with the clever street dog Batty and his dog buddies, Freddy has to restore the cosmic order. Can Freddy resist the attraction of the forbidden wolf magic and send the cheeky goblin back home? One thing is certain: Freddy will never doubt that he is a poodle again!

Price: Reserved tickets must be picked up at least 15 minutes before the start of the event. In case of non-collection, the tickets will be charged.

CHF 5.- Seat numbered

Animation, 2024, Australia, 85', FSK: NN, Director: Alexs Stadermann
Photo credit: Praesens-Film AG


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