Event Surselva

Art Safiental - Performance Ola Maciejewska in Safien Square

Performance «The Second Body» with Leah Marojevic. No registration required.


20.07.2024 from 14:15 to 15:45 o'clock
Postbus connections:
From Chur, Versam: Safien Platz to, 2.01 p.m.
To Chur, Versam: Safien Platz departs, 5.48 p.m.
Zervreila AG power plant

A body and a block of ice. One is a complex organism of muscles, bones and veins, consisting of 80% fluid. The other is made from 100% frozen water. The performance invites you to experience the permeability of these two bodies of water in their ongoing metamorphosis. Inspired by Daisy Hildyard's writings, according to which humans have two bodies – one tangible and one more diffuse, integrated into a network of exchange with other ecosystems – the work also raises questions of man-made disruption of climate and ecology. Duration 60 min
Followed by an artist talk with curator Joanna Lesnierowska


Zervreila AG power plant

7107 Safien Platz

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