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Cinema: "Maloney" in Ilanz
He is known from the SRF3 cult radio play "The hair-raising cases of Philip Maloney". Now Philip Maloney is also investigating on the big screen. Marcus Signer slips into the role of the legendary private detective. His opponent, the policeman, is embodied by Stefan Kurt. During his investigations, Philip Maloney dives into different worlds and encounters greedy entrepreneurs, corrupt politicians, unfaithful wives and husbands and dangerous criminals. He is always one step ahead of the policeman, his dearest enemy, rival and companion. The spectators are his accomplices, with whom he shares his observations.
Director: Michael Schaerer, CH 2024, 94', CH-D, ages 12 and up
Cinema Sil Plaz, Ilanz
Via Centrala 2, Caum Postal 10, 7130 Ilanz
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