Event Davos Klosters

DavosBiodivers: Mountain Forest, Deadwood

Of dead wood and species-rich life – how untidy forests benefit biodiversity


29.08.2024 from 17:30 to 19:30 o'clock
Davos Society of Natural Sciences

Wood from native forests is an important and natural raw material. Natural and species-rich forests also include dead trees that are left standing or lying around. What is the significance of deadwood for biodiversity? What is a deadwood island and how is it planned and implemented? How is deadwood perceived by guests and locals?

A forest engineer and a wilderness researcher share their knowledge.

Annabarbara Beilstein, Forest Engineer AWN
Sonja Wipf, Plant Ecologist SNP

Excursion on an easy route; Duration approx. 2 hours. Meeting point to be announced.

Equipment: clothing adapted to the weather, comfortable shoes for a walk on easy trails

Registration not required, information: Tel. 076 2330377


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