Event Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair

Exhibition Tapta - Flexible Forms

Exhibition Tapta: Flexible Forms; an important exhibition of the Polish-Belgian artist Tapta.


20.07.2024 to 03.11.2024 from 11:00 to 17:00 o'clock
on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
CHF 25.00
CHF 20.00 reduced
Children under 6 years old are free of charge
Muzeum Susch / Art Stations Foundation CH

Muzeum Susch is pleased to present the exhibition of "Tapta: Flexible Forms"
, an important exhibition by the Polish-Belgian artist Tapta.

The Muzeum Susch wants to put the spotlight on international avant-garde artists who have been historically overlooked. "Tapta: Flexible Forms" is the first major retrospective of Tapta's work outside Belgium and explores her innovative sculptures. The title of the exhibition reflects Tapta's focus on creating sculptures that interact with space and viewers. It shows Tapta's textile works from the 1960s to the 1980s and her neoprene works from the 1980s to the 1990s.
Tapta's art evolved from traditional weaving to experimental techniques, inviting viewers to engage with her sculptures physically and visually.

Join us for this special event to celebrate Tapta's artistic heritage and discover her transformative works.

About the Muzeum Susch:
Located in Susch, Switzerland, Muzeum Susch focuses on art by women, showcases contemporary works, and promotes cultural exchange.


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