Event San Bernardino Mesolcina Calanca

Experiential trekking in Val Calanca

Experiential trekking in Val Calanca


05.10.2024 to 06.10.2024
Arvigo, 6543, Switzerland

The Moesano Museum Foundation and the Calanca Regional Archive, in collaboration with Manuela Vigilante and Rita Beltrami, guided tour guides with a cantonal AVIG diploma), assisted by Cinzia Fibbioli-Rigotti, are pleased to offer the first experiential trekking in Val Calanca.

It is a guided trek over two days, scheduled for Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 October 2024, which winds along the valley floor, between Arvigo and Augio, and on the left side of Calancasca, in the territory of Braggio. The excursion will be punctuated by three lectures on topics related to the Alpine territory, which are open to all.

All information is contained on the websites of the Moesano www.museomoesano.ch/ Museum and the Calanca Regional Archives www.archiviocalanca.ch/

Registration is open until July 31, 2024.
For further information, please contact museomoesano@bluewin.ch


Responsible for this content: Ente Turistico Regionale del Moesano.
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