Event Disentis Sedrun

Forest Cinema "Vandana Shiva - A Life for the Earth"

In the Academia Vivian forest hut, in the middle of the sparse birch forest above Disentis/Mustér, the film "Vandana Shiva – A Life for the Earth" will be shown on 25 July.


25.07.2024 from 19:30 to 21:15 o'clock
Costs: Adults CH 11.-, children CHF 6.-
Academia Vivian

The documentary tells the remarkable life story of eco-activist Dr. Vandana Shiva, how she stood up to the large corporations of industrial agriculture and became an icon in the movement for biodiversity and organic farming. She thus inspired a worldwide agricultural and food turnaround and became one of the most important activists of our time, for which she received the Alternative Nobel Prize, among other awards.

From 6 p.m. the forest bar opens with dinner. Shuttle service from Salaplauna, Disentis via Curaglia for CHF 5.- per person. Departure 6 p.m.

Registration required for dinner & shuttle via info@agricultura.ch


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