Event Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair

Geology course Lower Engadine / Three days on excursion

Geology course Lower Engadine / Three days on excursion. Meeting point 1st day, Camping Sur En, 2nd day mountain railways, 3rd day by appointment. CHF 260.00.


17.07.2024 from 13:30 to 17:30 o'clock
18.07.2024 from 08:30 to 17:00 o'clock
19.07.2024 from 08:00 to 17:00 o'clock
CHF 260.00
Day 1 Meeting point Sur en Camping. Day 2 Meeting point at the mountain railways. for the third day, the meeting point is still to be defined.
Camping Sur En

Fancy geology in the Engadine? When stones tell a story

The famous Engadine window invites you to be (re)discovered. And that's only part of the course.
What can be read geologically from the Inn? Which geological eras, plate shifts, rock formations?
And what about the Piz Mundin?
Stones are active witnesses of our (earth) history, which is why even small pebbles as well as deep valleys and rocks can tell a lot about our world. If we let them speak.
We are trying to do this with the geologist Dr. Anna Rauch from Sent in three day excursions. With their guidance, we get into "conversation" with our mountains, the valleys and rivers and with the rocks that form it all, go on a discovery tour through the seemingly everyday environment, which nevertheless has so much information and news in store for us.
Do you feel like and are interested in the beautiful Lower Engadine from the perspective of "stone and river"?
Then you are welcome to participate.
17-19 July 2024 (half-day excursion on 17.7, full-day excursion on 18 and 19.7)
We will hike in alpine terrain - a basic level of fitness and a safe footing are necessary.
For more information, please contact: contact@cartogrip.ch
Price: 260.- / person (for the 3 excursions)
In order to cover the expenses, a minimum number of 6 participants is required.

Wednesday - 17.7. afternoon, en
Thursday 18.7. all day, Motta Naluns
Friday, 19.7. all day, Mundin

Registration until: 30.06.2024
by email contact@cartogrip.ch
or Phone :077 419 84 68

Cuaida da la Geologia d'Engiadina? Scha la crappa quinta...

La renomnada "Fanestra Engiadinais" s'invida da tilla scuvrir da nouv. E quai es be üna part dal cours.
Che as poja leger geologic our da l'En? Che spostamaints da plattas, che transfuormaziuns da crappa sun capitadas in che epocas da la terra ? Co as preschainta la situaziun dal piz Mundin ?
La crappa es activa perdütta da noss' istorgia da la terra. Perquai san quintar tant pitschens glerins sco eir valadas chafuollas e grippa prunas da nos muond.
Quai provaina a sclerir insembel culla geologa Dr. Anna Rauch da Sent dürant trais excursiuns dad ün di. Cun seis inviamaint gnina in ün « discuors » cun nossas muntognas, vals, flüms e cun la crappa chi fuorman nossa terra. No fain excursiuns tras ün muond chi'ns para solit, chi ha però pront per no prunas infuormaziuns e danövs.
Vaivat tschüff cuaida ed interess per nossa bella Engiadina Bassa our da la perspectiva "crap e flüm" lura eschat bainvis ad üna o eir plüssas spassegiadas
Datas : 17-19 lügl 2024 (excursiun d'ün mez di ils 17, excursiuns d'ün di inter ils 18 e 19)
No eschan in gir tras la cuntrada alpina – üna cundiziun minimala e sgürezza i'l pass sun necessarias.
Infuormaziuns detagliadas survgnivat pro : contact@cartogrip.ch
Predsch : 260.- / persuna (per las 3 excursiuns)
Per cuvernar las spaisas faja dabsögn dad almain 6 partecipants /partecipantas.

Marcurdi, 17.7 - davomezdi, En
Gövgia, 18.7, tuotta di, Motta Naluns
Vendredi, 19.7 - tuotta di, Mundin

Annunzchas fin as: 30.06.2024 by email contact@cartogrip.ch o phone 077 419 84 68


Camping Sur En

Sur En, 7554 Sent

Responsible for this content: Tourismus Engadin Scuol Samnaun Val Müstair AG.
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