Event Disentis Sedrun

Graubünden Yodelling Day

Graubünden Yodelling Day

Experience a day full of Swiss customs in Sedrun.


05.10.2024 from 10:00 to 19:00 o'clock
Dulezi multi-factory hall

Graubünden Yodelling Day

Experience a day full of Swiss customs in Sedrun.
Flag-wavers, alphorn players and yodelers from all over the canton come together in Sedrun.
A wide variety of sounds and impressions await you on this day.

Whether young or old, an exciting festive programme awaits you.
Come by and join us for a day full of entertainment, music, workshops and good food.

The detailed festival programme will follow in spring 2024.

We are looking forward to your visit.

Sunatibas Postabiala Sumvitg and Sunatibas Tujetsch


Dulezi multi-factory hall

Via Ischi 1, 7188 Sedrun

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