Event Chur

How do I deal with mentally stressed employees?

Learning Lunch with Input Presentation


26.09.2024 from 12:00 to 13:30 o'clock
LABOR at Pfisterplatz

How can supervisors identify and address mental health problems of their employees more easily? When does it really make sense to listen to your gut feeling? At the Learning Lunch, a compact event over lunch, managers receive tips and information about mental health problems in the work environment. You will get to know a proven guideline that provides orientation and is a practical aid in everyday management.

Thomas Pfiffner, Head of IV Office Graubünden
Mirco Deflorin, Recovery and Peer Counsellor IV Office Graubünden

For managers, HR managers and employers.

Catering will be provided.

The event will take place as part of the Mental Health Action Days 2024. Participation is free of charge and does not require registration.

Organizer: Social Insurance Institution of the Grisons (SVA), reWork Network Graubünden and support of the Graubünden Health Department


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