Event Surselva

Mycology Excursion Pro Andiast in Andiast

Experienced mushroom experts will introduce you to the secrets of mushroom science and mushroom picking. Together, you can round off the event with a picnic together. Registration required.


14.09.2024 from 09:00 to 13:00 o'clock
On request
Hotel Restaurant Postigliun

Experienced mushroom experts will introduce you to the secrets of mycology and mushroom picking. Afterwards, you will go mushroom hunting together in the area around Andiast. The experts can then assess the finds immediately. Afterwards, you can end the event with a picnic together.

Mother Nature will decide on the variety and quantity of mushrooms. The excursions are not mushroom picking days, they are intended to give the participants an insight into the mysterious world of mushrooms.

What to bring: Good knife, basket or cloth bag for the mushrooms (no plastic bags), lunch and drinks
Clothing: Good shoes and possibly rain protection
Remarks: Further mushroom excursions can be organized by telephone appointment.
Duration: 09:00 - approx. 13:00

Registration required, Pascal Spescha Tel. 0041 76 457 57 53


Hotel Restaurant Postigliun

Via Principala 19, 7159 Andiast

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