Event Surselva

Polenta fun in Obersaxen Mundaun

Polenta fun at the Pifal barbecue area (opposite Chummenbühl). Registration required. Participation free of charge, collection. Reservations by 5:00 p.m. the evening before at the Meierhof information office.


23.07.2024 from 18:00 to 19:30 o'clock
Free with collection)
Playground Pifal

In the Pifal on the open fire, the rustic polenta pot is bubbling away. In a cosy atmosphere, we can enjoy the hearty Graubünden speciality in the middle of the secluded fir forest and exchange ideas with each other. Convivenza, Surselva Tourismus Info Obersaxen and the IGZWB Surselva are looking forward to many guests.


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