fascia nature area Safiental - Rhine Gorge The "fasci natural space" in Valendas provides an insight into the richness of flora and fauna in the Safien Valley – from the Rhine Gorge to the Safierberg.
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There are 40 mountain pastures on the Wiesner Alp. The view of the Albula Valley and the opposite peaks Piz Ela, Tinzenhorn and Piz Mitgel compensates for the ascent to 1,940 m above sea level.
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Anselmo Gadola's private exhibition focuses on the bowl and drawing stones in the Schams, Avers and Rheinwald as witnesses to a cult-astronomical law depending on the annual course of the sun.
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Thanks to the cooperation with Garage Mark AG and the innovative rental platform Sharoo, it is possible to rent an e-car (Renault ZOE, GR 163713) with just a few clicks. Usually available daily between 7.00 am and 6.30 pm. www.sharoo.com/
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The works of art created from wood and concrete by engineer Jürg Conzett allow great insights and deep views into the Rhine Gorge. The viewing platform can be reached on foot from Versam village in a few minutes.
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The mining museum imparts impressions from the days when the mines were in operation. Information is given about ore mining, transportation and former iron, copper, lead and silver smelting and about the smelting plants.
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The capricorn exhibition in the Center da Capricorns in Wergenstein imparts exciting and interesting information about the king of the Alps. The ibex was reintroduced 60 years ago in the region of the nature park and there are now about 300 animals.
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