Go with the Flow.

River Rafting

Adrenalin in your veins and a big grin on your face: that's how you can describe river rafting. Those who paddle through the Rhine Gorge also enjoy an unspoilt natural landscape. The same also applies to the Inn and Landquart rivers.

Surselva Region.

River Rafting on the Rhine

Have you ever travelled on the Rhaetian Railway from Ilanz to Reichenau? If so, the canyon-like Rhine Gorge with its bizarre landslide landscape is sure to remain in your memory.

From May to October, the 20-kilometre stretch can also be travelled by rubber dinghy. River rafting gives you an even closer experience of the fascinating gorge walls of the ‘Ruinaulta’. Each boat can take up to 9 participants.


Engadine Region.

River Rafting on the Inn

The Inn is one of the most popular whitewater spots in the Alps. The river has its source at Piz Lunghin and initially flows through the Upper Engadin lakes until it reaches the Lower Engadin through steeper gradients.

River rafting on the Inn means a varied mix of raging water and technical rapids - through gorges and past typical Engadin houses in the national park region. Experienced and competent raft guides accompany you on half-day and full-day tours.


A rubber dinghy with five smiling men on the River Inn in the Engadin
Inn, Engadin

Prättigau Region.

River Rafting on the Landquart between Küblis and Grüsch

The Landquart originates at the Silvretta massif as the union of the Vereinabach and Verstanclabach, flows through the Prättigau and flows into the Alpenrhein at the village named after it.

The Landqart offers moderately blocked and sometimes powerful white water. The rapids have imaginative names such as Furnapower, Bikemasterschwall, KO-Kurve, Fuchsenwinkel, Schlangenboden and Happysurvivor. Action and fun are guaranteed.


Three rubber dinghies river rafting in the Landquart rapids
Landquart, Prättigau