Rund um den Silvaplaner See
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The hike starts at the Silvaplana-Surlej car park, where there is also a bus station. In the direction of Silvaplana, walk through the village. After the Ova dal Vallun stream, take the forest path towards "Vers Via Engiadina", which leads through shady woods slightly up to the panoramic path. One last look at the campsite down in Silvaplauna, then continue along the Via Engiadina path and enjoy the views of the turquoise waters of Lej da Silvaplauna and the mountains all around.
At the end of the path, a short steep zig-zag path leads down to the road and leads to the "Beach Club". Take the Via Riva d'Lej, past the restaurant and walk over a beautiful moor area on the southern shore in the shady forests back to Silvaplana. Finally past the castle Crap da Sass, which is privately owned.
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