Gallery Engadin St. Moritz
Atelier Turo Pedretti

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Let yourself be fascinated, captivated and inspired by Turo Pedretti's paintings.
Turo Pedretti (1896 - 1964)
Turo Pedretti is considered a great painter of the night. He shares his expressive colour palette with Edvard Munch and Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. Turo Pedretti captured light and shadow in their atmospheric appearance with a daring lightness that makes his paintings an immediate, sensual experience of his perception of nature.
The expressionist/fauvist paints daring and extremely colourful pictures in which the unique Engadin light plays the central role. Pedretti's studio is showing selected paintings as well as the film by Roy Oppenheim ‘Turo Pedretti, a great painter of the Engadin’.
Winter 2024/2025
‘Terrenzlas : light and shadow, day and night’
As part of the joint special exhibition ‘Splendur e sumbriva’ of the Chesas da cultura Engiadina.
Opening hours:
- December 27 - Vernissage with aperitif
- January 03/10/24/31
- February 14/21/22/28
- March 14/28
- April 11th/12th/18th/19th/25th
Friday: 3.00pm - 7.00pm
Saturday: 10.00am - 1.00pm
Admission free.
Opening hours
closed: from 13.10.2024 to 26.12.2024
Atelier Turo Pedretti
Via Maistra 36-40, 7505 Celerina
Responsible for this content: Engadin Tourismus AG.

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