Chapel Surselva
Chapel Nossa Dunna dallas Dolurs, Andiast

According to the inscription, the chapel was built in 1736 thanks to a donation from Durisch Capaul. According to the dated altar stone, it was renovated in 1883. During the 1988 renovation, the chapel was given a new floor and new seating. The last renovation took place in 1993.
The chancel faces north-west, is recessed, closed on three sides and raised by one step. It is vaulted with a combination of a barrel vault and a dome with two lateral spandrels. A simple stucco cornice rests on narrow pilasters. On the ceiling is a stucco medallion with the inscription: in thanks and in memory of the chapel's donor.
On the side walls of the choir are two high rectangular latticed windows with arched reveals. The altar has a beautiful antependium with a depiction of the Pietà (dated 1752). The figures are surrounded by flower tendrils. On the mensa is a predella with a table crucifix and altar candles. At the front of the upper step of the perdella are two offset pedestals on the outside. On these are a total of four twisted, blue ionized columns, entwined with gold foliage and with gilded capitals at the top.
In the round-arched altar niche, which is closed at the top, there is a statuette of the Madonna Dolorosa in a blue and gold dress, her chest pierced by a sword. In the altar structure, a golden heart can be seen in the acanthus foliage and two seated baroque angels on the outside.
On each long side, two engraved caps cut into the ceiling, and a picture painted by Linus Flepp of Disentis in 1993 can be seen in a rounded medallion. It depicts the event that led to the construction of the chapel: Durisch Capaul, the founder of the chapel, is saved from a snowstorm by the help of the Virgin Mary.
(Text recorded by: Regiun Surselva)
Chapel Nossa Dunna dallas Dolurs, Andiast
7159 Andiast
Responsible for this content: Surselva Tourism.

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