Railway Chur
Chur train station

The busy Bahnhofplatz is where the rail services of the Rhaetian Railway (RhB) and Swiss Federal Railways (SBB) meet, together with the Chur Bus and Graubünden Postbus lines.
The first train rolled into Chur in 1858. On the outskirts of Chur, to be more precise, because at that time the area between the old town and the Rhine was still largely undeveloped. Today the station is located in the heart of Chur. The most striking building is the roof completed in 1993 with the post bus station. The station building on Bahnhofplatz is far older: it dates from 1878 and joins onto the station buffet from the early 20th century. The station was expanded / modernised from 2001 to 2008, during which a new building was added to the station building, among other things. The renovation received the Brunel Award in 2011.
Chur train station
Bahnhofplatz, 7000 Chur
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