Attraction Heidiland
Gonzen Iron Mine

The iron mine in the Gonzen, where it is proven that the Romans had already mined iron ore, had to cease operations in 1966 for economic reasons.
During a guided tour, you will experience the mysterious world of the miners in an impressive way. On the gallery tours, you will learn a lot of interesting facts about the history, geology, mining techniques and economic significance of what was once Switzerland's largest iron mine. After the introductory film, all tours begin with a "leisurely" ride on the "Gonzen Express", pulled by one of the 5 original locomotives from the active era. Once inside the mountain, the tour continues on foot, with the gallery tour being adapted as far as possible to the wishes of the visitors. In any case, good, sturdy shoes and warm clothes are required (temperature in the mine is 13° C). The routes lead through galleries, on driveways, along brake mountains and drifts. Deep silos, hidden corners, the constantly changing colors of the impressive ore stockpile and the miners' workplaces left in their original state fascinate the visitors. At the end of this impressive tour of the mine, visitors are invited to enjoy a cozy snack in our "Stollenbeizli". Good luck!
Public Transport
Mit dem Zug nach Sargans und anschliessend mit dem Bus 400 bis Haltestelle Vild
By car to Sargans, continue on the main road between Sargans and Trübbach. The entrance to the mine is in the hamlet of Vild.
Gonzen Iron Mine
Responsible for this content: UNESCO-Welterbe Tektonikarena Sardona.

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