Fireplace Prättigau
Grillplatz / Feuerstelle Carschinasee

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New, beautifully located barbecue area at Lake Carschina.
Easily accessible from the village centre of St. Antönien on foot or by bike. You walk in the direction of Bärgli and about halfway to the Carschinahütte you pass the idyllic Carschinasee. Wood and rust is available. The boat in the lake can be borrowed in a can for a small donation. Dogs are also welcome.
Public Transport
With the Rhaetian Railway RhB to Schiers or Küblis and by post bus to St. Antönien.Im summer from the beginning of July to mid-August daily and then up to approx. In mid-October on weekends, the Bus runs alpine.
On the A13 and A28 to Küblis, then turn left through the underpass towards Luzein, Pany, St. Antönien towards Aschüel to P21 Litzigaden
In St. Antönien all parking spaces are subject to a charge. In the parking lots you can pay with cash, Parkingpay app, Easy-Park or Twint.
Grillplatz / Feuerstelle Carschinasee
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