Historical Site Surselva

Haus Alois Carigiet, Obersaxen

Haus Alois Carigiet, Obersaxen
Haus Alois Carigiet, Obersaxen

The famous painter Alois Carigiet (1902 - 1985) lived and worked in Platenga from 1939 - 1952.


Alois Carigiet first lived in the Haus am Bach in Ausserplatenga, before moving to his planned house Sunnafàng in 1946. In 1953 the Sunnafàng passed into the possession of the heirs Casanova-Berther. His paintings can be found in Obersaxen am Sunnafàng, in the chapel of Brother Klaus in Lorischboda, in the parish hall and in the "Christmas scene" that he created for the high altar of the parish church. Alois Carigiet also renovated the paintings of the Chapel of the Epiphany in Platenga.

(Recorded by Regiun Surselva)


Haus Alois Carigiet, Obersaxen

7134 Obersaxen

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