Monument Engadin St. Moritz

Memorial Ernst Viktor von Leyden (1832-1910

Gedenktafel Ernst Viktor von Leyden (1832 - 1910) (oua_50643849_image)


Ernst Viktor von Leyden (1832-1910). The physician Ernst von Leyden started his career as a military doctor, before working as a professor at the universities of Königsberg, Strasbourg and Berlin. He carried out research in the fields of heart, kidney and spinal cord diseases, as well as in the fields of cancer and tuberculosis. Professor von Leyden was a guest for many years at what was then Hotel Saratz, where he held surgeries for his patients.

Friends built a memorial for him by the path to Lower Schafberg with the following inscription: "I associate so many wonderful memories with the Engadin and with Pontresina, surrounded as it is by towering mountains. I never left without having found strength for body and mind in the clear, thin mountain air".

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Memorial Ernst Viktor von Leyden (1832-1910

7504 Pontresina

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