Museum Surselva

Museum Safien Platz

"alte Post" - Museum Safien Platz
The “old post office” in Safien Platz opens its doors for special exhibitions. At the moment, an exhibition on “the beginnings of summer and winter tourism in the Safien Valley” is on display.


The exhibition “The beginnings of summer and winter tourism in the Safiental” in the old post office shows, among other things, the emergence of the Belle Époque spa hotels in Neukirch and Tenna and the discovery of an unknown ski paradise as an Alpine idyll around 1925.

The Safien Camana Museum in Camanaboda has a permanent exhibition on living and working in the Safien Valley in the 18th/19th century.


Adults CHF 7.00
Children from 7 - 16 years CHF 3.50
(children of pre-school age free)

Combined ticket for both museums
Adults CHF 12.00
Children from 7 - 16 years CHF 6

Opening hours

Outside the opening hours by appointment:
Silvia and Johann Buchli-Gartmann, Tel +41 81 647 11 63 or Mob +41 76 215 79 81
Philipp Gremper, Tel +41 81 647 13 50,

From 26 December 2024 to 1 January 2025, the Camaner Beizli will operate a temporary museum café in the Safien Platz Museum. There is fine tea, coffee, cake and the "best" Basel Läckerli.


Public Transport

Take the Postbus to the Safien Platz stop. From here a few steps out of the valley.


Parking spaces are available at the school and community center. From here, follow the road approx. 200 m into the valley.


Museum Safien Platz

Talstrasse 20, 7107 Safien Platz

Responsible for this content: Surselva Tourism.
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