Church Surselva

Old Protestant parish church of St. Martin, Ilanz

Evangelische alte Pfarrkirche St. Martin, Ilanz (oua_83124872_image)
Evangelische alte Pfarrkirche St. Martin, Ilanz (oua_83124874_image)

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Evangelische alte Pfarrkirche St. Martin, Ilanz (oua_83124866_image)
At the top of the hill, adorned with a red onion roof, you can see the tower of Luven church. Below, hidden among the trees on Lugnezerstrasse, is the old Ilanz parish church of St. Martin. The church is not open to the public.


First mentioned in the will of Bishop Tello in 765. It appears in the Carolingian imperial charter of around 840 as a royal possession with the right to tithe. In the indulgence letter of 1300, it is described as having fallen into decay. In 1460 and 1465, indulgences are granted in favor of the Marian altar of St. Martin's Church, which has its own chaplaincy, and the Brotherhood of Our Lady there. Reconsecration with four altars in 1500. St. Martin's remained a parish church with its own cemetery until the Reformation.

St. Martin's parish church during the Reformation

Until around 1520, the inhabitants of Ilanz, Strada, Flond and Luven went to church in St. Martin. When the church of St. Margarethen became the parish church in 1520, the neighbors from Luven felt that the walk to the clergy was too long and they requested their own priest. They also argued that the priest in Ilanz preached in German, which made the word of God incomprehensible.


Old Protestant parish church of St. Martin, Ilanz

7130 Ilanz

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