Skating Rink Engadin St. Moritz
Purtum ice rink, Zuoz

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In Zuoz snow sports are really fun. In the spacious Swiss Snow Kids Village the little ones learn their first turns in the snow with ease. Right next door on the natural ice field, skating enthusiasts can glide over the ice or fog up as they please. In February the ice rink is illuminated in the evening.
Skates can be rented from: Willy Sport, +41 81 854 12 89
Closing times reserved due to weather conditions.
Translated with
Opening hours
open: from 23.12.2024 to 28.02.2025
Daily from 10.00 am - 4.00 pm
Purtum ice rink, Zuoz
Purtum, 7524 Zuoz
Responsible for this content: Engadin Tourismus AG.

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