Place Heidiland

Scree Cones on the Ringelspitz Massif

Schuttkegel am Fuss des Ringelspitzmassiv
Schuttkegel am Fuss des Ringelspitzmassiv
At the base of the Ringelspitz massif there are huge scree cones, a result of continuous erosion processes in the mountains.


The steep rock faces below the Ringelspitz massif consist of flysch rock. A stream has cut a V-shaped gully into the layers in the direction of view, which supplies the underlying rubble cone with rubble from the rock face. The active part of the rubble cone is located where no grass grows.


Scree Cones on the Ringelspitz Massif

Responsible for this content: UNESCO-Welterbe Tektonikarena Sardona.

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