City Arosa Lenzerheide
Walserdorf Sapün Dörfji

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The wild mountain valley between Arosa and Chur has preserved its original character and cultural features to this day. It stretches from the Plessur in the valley bottom up to the Mattjischhorn and into the picturesque side valleys Fondei and Sapün. Experience the untouched nature in Schanfigg. The Walser village Sapün Dörfji is an old, beautiful Walser village. It is worth stopping for a moment to admire the beautiful houses. After the village, the path continues through the valley, passing small hamlets. At the end, it becomes a bit strenuous and steep again, until you reach the romantic Bergsterne Hotel Heimeli after a short while.
Opening hours
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Public Transport
The Rhaetian Railway runs every hour from Chur to Langwies (also in the opposite direction).
From the Langwies train station, it takes half an hour to get to the Werkhof Langwies. From there you can walk along the Sapünerstrasse to the Sapün Dörfji.
From Chur via the winding Arosastrasse to Langwies. After passing the village, follow the Arosastrasse until you reach the Werkhof Langwies.
On the Sapünerstrasse there is a driving ban for motor vehicles and motorcycles. However, the following roads can be driven on with an exceptional permit from the municipality.
Since 2018 there is the possibility to solve day and residence permits via SMS or App e24.
Instructions for this are attached to the respective no-driving signs and can be seen in the notice boxes and at the points of sale. Our foreign guests cannot buy the permit via SMS, but have to download the App e24 and deposit their credit card.
On foot, a forest path leads in the direction of Sapün Dörfji. After a short time you have the possibility to leave the Sapünerstrasse and to reach the Sapün Dörfji via the Sommerweg.
300 m after the village of Langwies, driving direction Arosa, there is a large parking lot on the left side which is free of charge.
Walserdorf Sapün Dörfji
Responsible for this content: Arosa Lenzerheide.

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