This well, including the additional washing trough, was built in 1975 in connection with the rehabilitation of the village roads. It was donated by Hannes Heinz.
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Both the Roman path and the later main route from 1472 once led through the narrowest section of the gorge on the west side in the centre of the Viamala Gorge.
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The first boulderers (boulder climbers) discovered the "Magic Wood" area in the municipality of Ferrera back in 1996. In 2004, this trend was taken up by the municipality and the "Magic Wood" area was rezoned as a bouldering zone.
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Der funkelnde Federstrich - The Sparkling Stroke of a Pen
The beauty of Graubünden is world-renowned. No matter in what corner of the canton one travels, unique landscapes can be found everywhere- every spot in the mountain region is a masterpiece. In order to match this spectacular nature, the official white-red-and-white trail markers have been newly painted by an artist, called Stefan Rüesch.
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In order to "bring about the downfall of the whole Thusis, a single new swelling of the Nolla is required", it was said in 1821 in the "Paperback for The Entire Mineralogy".
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