Offer Davos Klosters
Madrisa Rundtour Winterticket

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The cross-border day ski tour
The cross-border, technically easy day tour takes you from Switzerland to Austria and back again. In the almost 7 hours, skiers and snowboarders alike can expect an impressive nature experience with fantastic runs on varied slopes.
With the special Madrisaticket you can use the following lifts once: Bergbahn Madrisa (CH), Schäffürggli-Sesselbahn (CH), Madrisa-Bügellift (CH), Schafbergbahn (AT).
December 17, 2022 - March 26, 2023
adults CHF 43.- per person
Youth (13 - 17 y.) CHF 30.- per person
Please note the current entry requirements and the regulations for the use of the mountain railways in Austria
Basic price offer
08.09.2024 - 24.05.2131 CHF 42Basic price offer
08.09.2024 - 24.05.2131 CHF 29 Responsible for this content: Prättigau Marketing.
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