Content Creators.

Personal Details and Medium

Frau mit Kamera vor einem See
Please complete the form below so that we have all the information we need to organise and run your trip:
Personal details (according to passport)
How would you like to be addressed?
We only need your passport number if you are travelling to Switzerland from abroad.
Please indicate your mother tongue and whether you speak German, Italian or English and if so, at what level.
If rental equipment is required for your research trip.
If rental equipment is required for your research trip.
One file only.
30 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Emergency contact
Personal details of the travelling companion (if a travelling companion is foreseen)
How would you like to be addressed?
We only need your passport number if you are travelling to Switzerland from abroad.
If rental equipment is required for your research trip.
If rental equipment is required for your research trip.
For content creators

Type and format of the content, date.
Please confirm
I have taken note of the information on data protection and the handling of personal data. I agree that Graubünden Tourism may pass on my data to third parties connected with this trip (e.g. Switzerland Tourism, transport companies, destinations, hotels, restaurants or other tourism service providers connected with this activity) so that they can make and send appropriate recommendations and information about this trip. This consent applies explicitly only to the activity associated with this data protection notice.