Event Davos Klosters

7. Davos Organ Walk

Davos Abendmusik - Johannes - Passion (1725) (gdl_751096190_image)
7. Davoser Orgelspaziergang (gdl_853707348_image)

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7. Davoser Orgelspaziergang (gdl_853707352_image)
Organ walk through ref. and catholic churches with
Daniel Wioland and Ulrich Weissert


09.06.2025 from 14:00 to 18:00 o'clock
10 CHF
Davos Wiesen Church

Interested listeners should contact the Davos Platz secretariat by Thursday, June 5
by phone 081 414 00 20 or by sekretariat@davosplatz-ref.ch.

The cost is CHF 10 per person.

We cordially invite you.


Davos Wiesen Church

7494 Davos Wiesen

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