Event Viamala

Concert "Kontrabach"

Konzert "Kontrabach" (gdl_850066563_image)
Konzert "Kontrabach" (gdl_850066566_image)

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Konzert "Kontrabach" (gdl_850066567_image)
A musical broadening of horizons with Marc Lardon, Daniel Sailer and the composer David Sontòn. No reservation required.


21.02.2025 from 20:00 to 21:00 o'clock
Evang.-ref. Church Andeer

"Kontrabach is deep, Kontrabach is gloomy, yet Kontrabach is an experience for everyone, a broadening of horizons."

In Kontrabach's arrangements, J.S. Bach's music shows its very own, new side. The special feature is the very idiosyncratic and daring instrumentation with double bass clarinet and double bass. With their interpretations, Marc Lardon and Daniel Sailer succeed in the balancing act between the Baroque and the present. The music usually sounds two octaves lower than usual, chords are sometimes more reminiscent of clusters, but the music still remains harmonious and understandable at all times and at the same time impresses with a new quality and independence.

In the last 7 years we have exclusively interpreted music by J.S.Bach with our duo, but now it is time to take the step into the present. We also want to play contemporary music with our duo, for which the line-up is almost predestined. But there is understandably hardly any literature for double bass clarinet and double bass. That's why we asked the Graubünden composer David Sontòn to write a piece for us.

Sontòn's composition "La harpa da taghel" for contrabass clarinet, double bass and tape refers to the Graubünden writer Theo Candinas. The piece lasts about 30 minutes and forms one half of the program, the other half will be music by J.S. Bach.
In the concert program, we will juxtapose Sontòn's composition with the music of J.S. Bach and hope to bring contemporary music closer to a broad audience.

With Marc Lardon, double bass clarinet and Daniel Sailer, double bass.

Further performances:
14.2. 8.00 p.m. Ilanz, Cinema SilPlaz
16.2. 17.00 Feldis, ref. Church
20.2. 20.00 Chur, Postremise
23.2. 17.00 Maienfeld, ref. Church
25.2. 5.00 p.m. Arosa, Bergkirchli
26.2. 8.00 p.m. Zurich, Kunstraum Walcheturm
24.5. 8.00 p.m. Trin, Ringel

No reservation required.


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