Event Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair

Concert in the church of Sent | FESTIVAL 40 years Steinway concert grand piano

FESTIVAL 40 years Steinway Concert Grand Piano Church.


20.07.2024 to 27.07.2024
on Saturday
Evang.-ref. Village Church of San Lurench

The pianist Warren Thew (1927–1984), who often spent his holidays in Sent with his wife Lisbeth, bequeathed the Steinway concert grand piano to the congregation of Sent in his estate, which is now housed in the 'garascha' in the church, which was built especially for him.
As early as 1974, he had campaigned for a grand piano to be installed in the new school building instead of just a piano, as planned. He was convinced that a wing was of crucial cultural importance for the community.

The Steinway concert grand piano
The pianist Warren Thew (1927–1984), who often spent his holidays in Sent with his wife Lisbeth, bequeathed the Steinway concert grand piano to the congregation of Sent in his estate, which is now housed in the 'garascha' in the church, which was built especially for him.
As early as 1974, he had campaigned for a grand piano to be installed in the new school building instead of just a piano, as planned. He was convinced that a concert grand piano was of decisive cultural importance for the community. Subsequently, he helped to select the grand piano and also gave benefit concerts for it. The Mixed Choir Sent organized the traditional August 1 Ball and donated the proceeds from it to the Società d'Ütil public for the purchase of a grand piano. It was contractually stipulated that the grand piano should be available to the choirs and the Sent school and that Leta Mosca (as a teacher of the primary school) would be responsible for the care of the precious instrument.

In 1991, the pianist Risch Biert, who comes from Sent, was supposed to give a concert in the church of Sent. Leta Mosca wanted to support this project by offering to cover the transport costs of the wing from the school building to the church. Subsequently, the two came up with the idea of using the proceeds from the concert collection and their own contribution to set up a cultural fund for Sent. This share capital is still held today in the "concerts" account of the Società d'Ütil public, Sent.

In 1995, the non-profit organization transferred responsibility for the cultural program Leta Mosca. What had started on a small scale flourished over the next 25 years into a veritable concert organization, whereby Leta Mosca had always remained true to its principles and goals: to support young musicians and enable them to perform; to provide a platform for local artists; to bring joy to the audience, the locals and the guests with musically high-quality concerts.
She also gave great joy with her legendary, home-baked nut cakes, which she presented to the musicians after the performance as a very special thank you. The legend persists that some musicians only came to Sent because of the nut cakes...

After 25 years, Leta Mosca handed over the organisation of the concerts to Regula Ursprung on 4 January 2020 on the occasion of the wonderful anniversary concert with pianist Alena Cherny and the 'orchester le phénix' in front of around 300 guests.

L'istorgia da nos Steinway

Dürant blers ons vaivan Lisbet e Warren Thew passantà lur vacanzas a Sent. In lur stüvina vaivan els ün pitschen Steinway.

Duos ons, precis nu m'algorda plü, avant la mort da Warren han els desdit lur abitaziun pro Andri Guler ed il pitschen Steinway es gnü transloccà in mia stanza da scoula.

Davo la mort da Warren (1984) ha Risch Biert savü persvader a duonna Lisbet Thew da regalar a la Comunità da Sent lur grond Steinway ch'els possedaivan a Kilchberg qua cha quel d'eira plü adat per concerts. Id es lura gnü far il barat dals duos clavazins.

Il clavazin grond nu vaiva lö in mia stanza da scoula. Perquai es quel gnü plazzà illa saletta da la scoula insembel cul Petrov.

Illa sala da gimnastica insembel cun la saletta han dürant quels ons gnü lö blers arrandschamaints. Per cha'ls duos instrumaints prezius nu vegnan forsa donnagiats es gnü schlargià l'üsch da mia stanza da scoula per pudair parcar là ils duos instrumaints dürant ils arrandschamaints.

Dal 1998, davo la renovaziun da la Chasa Misoch es il Steinway gnü transloccà illa sala cumünala. Da quinder inavant han gnü lö ils concerts da clavazin là.

Il clavazin pativa però in sala cumünala pervia dal curraint d'ajer e massa grondas differenzas da temperatura. Adüna darcheu gniva l'instrumaint stumplà cunter ils radiaturs, quai chi d'eira ferm donnaivel. Sün proposta da la respunsabla dal clavazin han dal 2006 la Comunità da Sent insembel cul Cussagl da baselgia chattà la soluziun da til metter in baselgia in üna "chaista" per ch'el saja bain protet.

Ed in ün duos trais vain la baselgia transfuormada in üna sala da concert.

Id es be da rivir l'üsch e trar oura il grondius instrumaint.

Fich positiv es eir cha la baselgia es plü spaziusa e l'acustica bler megldra.

24.10.23 Leta Mosca

The concert tickets can be purchased directly at the box office. This is open 45 minutes before the concert begins. There will be no advance booking

After the concert, the KulturBus will take you free of charge to Scuol, Ftan, Ardez and Tarasp. Register at the box office.


Evang.-ref. Village Church of San Lurench

Avant Baselgia 80, 7554 Sent

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