Event Chur

Kidical Mass #2: Veloumzug für Kinder & Familien

A bike parade for children, families and all bike fans in Chur. As a registered event, we ride safely through the city in the middle of the main streets.


15.09.2024 from 13:30 to 16:00 o'clock
- 13:30: Gathering on the Quaderwiese & decorating bikes together
- 14:00: Set up for the bike parade
- 14:30: Ride off together
- 15:30: End of the parade on the Quaderwiese
- Afterwards: Picnic & small program with syrup and cake for the children
Quader outdoor ice rink

The second Kidical Mass in Graubünden!

Because the Kidical Mass on May 26, the first edition in Graubünden, was so successful with over 250 participants, we are already planning the next edition: On Sunday, September 15, we will once again ride through the city at a leisurely pace and as a registered event. The message: We demand a child- and bike-friendly Chur.

Every child can take part, on training wheels, with a balance bike or in a trailer. The parade is authorized and will be accompanied by the police and volunteer stewards, who will ensure that it runs safely and smoothly. This means that the children can take full advantage of the free route and finally enjoy the whole street without any danger.

- 13:30: Gathering on the Quaderwiese & decorating bikes together
- 14:00: Set up for the bike parade
- 14:30: Ride off together
- 15:30: End of the parade on the Quaderwiese
- Afterwards: Picnic & small program with syrup and cake for the children

Take along: Something to drink and nibble, mugs, all your friends and appropriate clothing for the weather. If you are fully motivated, bring a cake for everyone 🍰

Please note:
- Parents are responsible for their children
- Follow the instructions of the stewards and the police
- Stay together as a group
- If the traffic light changes to red while driving through, we will still continue as a group during the Kidical Mass
- Form a rescue lane in the event of blue lights
- Always leave 1 -1.5m space on the left-hand side for stewards
- Do not drive in the oncoming lane
- Photos and videos will be taken at the event and you agree to their use by attending the event

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.


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