Event Davos Klosters

Marialy and Jorge Pacheco: "El sonido familiar" – furious piano duo

Marialy und Jorge Pacheco: «El sonido familiar» – furioses Piano-Duo (gdl_844125694_image)
Keyboard Days – Music Up Close


22.03.2025 from 20:00 to 21:30 o'clock
Kulturschuppen Klosters

Keyboard days – music up close.


Fingers flicker over keys, creating flying tones, competing phrases, intertwining melodies – music that dances. The Pacheco siblings are among the stars of their respective generations on the piano. Both have won the prestigious Montreux Solo Piano Competition. Their music is inspired by Afro-Cuban heritage, classical music, traditional American jazz, and even a little contemporary pop and soul.

There will be two wings in the Kulturschuppen!

Without discount:
CHF 75.- Seat unnumbered
Guest card (Klosters, Davos):
CHF 73.- Seat unnumbered
Member (KgK/KPD/La Vouta):
CHF 70.- Seat unnumbered
Child (up to 18 years):
CHF 55.- Seat unnumbered

Jorge Pacheco: PianoMarialy Pacheco: Piano


Municipality of Klosters
Klosters Cultural Fund
Cultural Commission Prättigau
Cultural promotion Graubünden
Various foundations, companies and private individuals



Kulturschuppen Klosters

Äussere Bahnhofstrasse 3, 7250 Klosters

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