Mountain Restaurant Disentis Sedrun

“Tegia Dil Nurser” slopeside bar

The place to meet for a glass of Prosecco or a “Schümli-Pflümli” coffee speciality.


Taking a break is a definite highlight when skiing! With hip music for young and old alike, you can relax at “Tegia Dil Nurser” on a reclining chair, an oversized floor pillow or at the bar. The fantastic mood here is contagious. The vibrant energy, seeing and being seen, and naturally the exquisite view of the valley below are just some of its attractions.

Opening hours


Public Transport

By train from Lucerne via the Oberalp Pass or from Zurich via Chur and Disentis to Station Dieni (Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn) By chairlift to Cuolm Val. (The hut is only accessible on skis)


By car from Lucerne or from Zurich via Chur and Disentis to Dieni. Valley station of the Skiarena Andermatt-Sedrun.

Take two chairlifts to Cuolm Val (the hut is only accessible on skis)


Parking spaces at the chairlift valley station (subject to charge)


Responsible for this content: Sedrun Disentis Tourism SA.

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