72 Praettigau High Trail Stage 4: Schesaplanahütte - Seewis

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The last stage of the Prättigauer Höhenweg leads over green mats and alpine roads to Seewis Dorf.
The official route continues over the Fadärastein, the steep winding path down to the picturesque Malans in the Bündner Herrschaft to Landquart.
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Rent a scooter in the Schesaplanahütte and enjoy the 1,000 metres of altitude difference down to Seewis Dorf with a rapid descent.
The trail is classified as T2 (mountain hiking) according to the hiking scale SAC. Definition of path / terrain: Path with continuous route and balanced gradients. If marked: white-red-white. Terrain partly steep, risk of falling not excluded. Definition requirement: some surefootedness. Trekking shoes are recommended. Elementary orientation.
Attention for dog owners:
As often seen in Graubünden, there are also several alpine pastures in the Rätikon, which are protected by herd guard dogs. Please note the official recommendations and the href="https://map.geo.admin.ch/?lang=de&topic=ech&bgLayer=ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe&layers=ch.swisstopo.zeitreihen,ch.bfs.gebaeude_wohnungs_register,ch.bav.haltestellen-oev,ch.swisstopo.swisstlm3d-wanderwege,ch.bafu.alpweiden-herdenschutzhunde&layers_opacity=1,1,1,0.8,0.5&layers_visibility=false,false,false,true,true&layers_timestamp=18641231,,,,&E=2775447.53&N=1211371.60&zoom=5" target="_blank">zones.
Good footwear, mountain hiking clothing adapted to the season (don't forget to change spare laundry!) and a map in your backpack are just as recommended as headgear, sunglasses and cream, water bottle and tour provisions. Touring poles increase sure-footedness and relieve the joints.
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