Davos Klosters Bahnentour

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The Davos Klosters resort has unique amenities with five different cable cars, all able to transport bikes. Combining these cable cars and lifts creates a bike tour offering almost 10,000 metres of descent* - there's nowhere else like it! The tour demands excellent and safe riding technique in alpine terrain and also needs riders to keep to a schedule. The Bahnentour, or «Cable Car» tour, as it has become known, is a tour at the limit of what is possible, which is why many bikers do not succeed the first time. The timing does not permit rests or a lunch stop, clearly making the trail experience even more intense.
1st section: Descent to Parsenn funicular railway valley station: 8.20
Davos - Weissfluh ridge - Felsenweg - Strela Pass - Chörbschhorn - Stafelalp - Frauenkirch - Glaris. Get off and push on the Chörbschhorn climb; difficult descent to the Stafelalp.
2nd section: Descent to Rinerhorn valley station: approx. 10.10
Glaris - Rinerhorn - Äbirügg - Heidboden - Wildboden - Davos. Excellent single trail descent.
3rd section: Descent to Parsenn valley station: 12.20
Davos - Weissfluh ridge - Meierhofer Täli - Wolfgang - Grüenbödeli - Klosters. The longest descent with a simple, short climb before the Wolfgang Pass.
4th section: Descent to Gotschna valley station: 13.45
Klosters - Gotschna - Chalbersäss - Serneuser Schwendi - Rütiwald forest - Klosters village
5th section: Descent to Gotschna valley station 14:45
Gotschnaboden - Freeride section - Klosters.
Descent on the Grisons A Line, the freeriding section to Klosters
6th section: Descent to Gotschna valley station: 15.15
Klosters - Gotschna - Schwarzseealp - Gotschnaboden - Zugwald - Klosters. Very difficult section to the Schwarzsee Alp.
7th section: Descent to Madrisa valley station: approx. 16.15
Klosters village - Madrisa - Flue - Klosters village. Difficult section from Flue to the valley station.
8th section: Descent to Madrisa valley station: at latest 17:00
Klosters village - Madrisa - Arensa - Saas - Küblis. Highest section on an old hiking route, then tricky single trail section to Saas.
*A biking ban means that it is no longer possible to ride down the descent from the Strela Pass to Davos. We are currently looking for an alternative to the missing 1,140 metres of descent.
Operating hours of lifts, cable cars and mountain railways:
- Parsenn: 8.15-12.15, 13.15-16.15 (ascent to Weissfluh ridge by chairlift)
- Rinerhorn: 8.30-12.30, 13.30-17.00
- Gotschna: 8.15-12.15, 13.15-16.45
- Madrisa: 8.15-17.00
Lifts/cable cars: 8
Single track riding: over 90%
Repeated trails: 1 (Felsenweg, approx. 1 km)
Lift/cable car ticket: 48 CHF (with «Guest Pass»: 10 CHF)
Difficulty: technically very difficult in parts, only recommended for experience and fit riders
Tour author: Thomas Giger, Ride Magazine
See also
Destination Davos Klosters
Davos Destination Organisation (Cooperative)
Talstrasse 41
CH-7270 Davos Platz
Tel: +41(0)81 415 21 21
E-Mail: info@davos.ch
Internet: www.davos.ch
«Bahnen» Tour: www.bahnentour.ch
Information for bikers: www.bike-davos.ch nd www.bike-klosters.ch
Take the funicular/single trail tour with the guide and inventor Thomi Giger:
Public Transport
Anreise Information
Responsible for this content: Destination Davos Klosters.

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