Transruinaulta Trailmarathon

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The imposing Rhine Gorge with enjoyable trails characterise the running experience. Two valleys, both shaped by the Rhine, the Anterior and the Posterior Rhine, form the backdrop of this Graubünden trail marathon Transruinaulta and Transviamala. The Transruinaulta is a good and eventful introduction to the world of trail running. Every year, a major event takes place over two days.
The Transruinaulta measures 42 kilometres and leads from Ilanz to Thusis. From Ilanz, the first town on the Rhine, the trail runners start practically directly into a beautiful single trail, along the young Vorderrhein. Due to an exclusive starting position, the experience of nature is to be further promoted by individual and pair starts. After the first 11 kilometres in the middle of the Rhine Gorge, there are steep climbs up to Versam, through the Versamertobel to Scardanal and on to Rhäzüns. The marathon then turns off towards Heinzenberg, follows the Hinterrhein, up to the height of Präz. The view towards the destination Thusis and over the whole Domleschg compensates for the past hard climb. From the roof of the marathon it goes on single trails along the Heinzenberg slowly downhill, before shortly before the finish some short climbs are imminent.
The next dates can be found here.
Various information can be found on the main page of the marathon here.
The tour should only be carried out in safe weather. If you notice that the weather is deteriorating during the tour, you should turn back in time.
Trail running shoes with a good profile and a grippy sole, clothing adapted to the weather, first aid kit, drinks and food.
Ilanz - Ruinaulta - Versam village - Versamer Tobel - Rhäzuns - Cazis - Thusis
Public Transport
Take the RhB train to Ilanz. If you want to shorten the run, you can optionally drive to Castrisch or Valendas.
Anreise Information
From Chur via Flims or Versam to Ilanz.
From the Oberalp Pass and Disentis to Ilanz.
There are few parking spaces at the train station. More places are available on the market square or at various locations in Ilanz.
Responsible for this content: Surselva Tourism.
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