Attraction Flims Laax Falera
UNESCO-Welterbe Tektonikarena Sardona

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Be amazed by the impressive Tectonic Arena Sardona, which was included in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage list in summer 2008. The reason for this fascinating sight are 250 years of old Verrucano rock, which was pushed onto flysch rock that is <> 35 to 50 million years old. There is no other place in the world where traces of a mountain's origins is so clearly visible.
The geological fact that younger stone lies on older stone can only insufficiently explain the magic of the Glarner Rift.
The jagged spikes of the Tschingelhörner can hardly be overlooked. Twice a year, however, the lower lying Martinsloch steals the show. In March and in October the sun shines for a short time through the 19 m big hole and onto the church spire of Elm. A unique experience.
Every visit to the upper or lower Segnesboden climbing crag offers a different view. The water courses on these high plateaux, famous throughout the country, regularly change their route, creating ever-changing patterns and lakes in the peat marshes.
In 1996, the kettle-shaped flood plain of Plaun Segnas Sut (Lower Segnesboden) was included on the Federal Inventory of alluvial zones thanks to its particular beauty. The plain is 1.7 km long, up to 450 m wide and is located at an altitude of 2,100 m.
A large moor covers about half the area of the flood plain, while the remaining surface is covered with a mosaic of streams, brooks, stony and mossy areas, snowy little valleys and Alpine grassland.
The natural and ecological beauty of Plaun Segnas Sut is enhanced by its proximity to the unspoiled, geologically spectacular flood plain of Plaun Segnas Sura. Thanks to the closely-connected water courses, both plains represent an Alpine landscape of national significance. They have nothing to fear from comparison to other highland areas such as the Greina.
Public Transport
By car Motorway A13 from Zurich, exit 18 FLims
750 parking spaces in parking garage Flims Bergbahnen
UNESCO-Welterbe Tektonikarena Sardona
Via Nova 62, 7017 Flims
Responsible for this content: Flims Laax Falera Management Ltd..

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