Leisure/Service Val Surses Savognin Bivio
Veia digl Pader 09: Dumengia a Salouf

Dumengia a Salouf
Segl crest sa dolza l'alva baselgetta,
La Crousch-Clutger Sagetta Seadot!
Bisond, scu aviouls, vign la glioutetta
E chom'an lunga reia giu pigl mot.
Tot alv cun neiv! – Sfrignond vign la bargeda;
igl pi davos en pover vigl cugl gop! –
Gist scu l'arblanga sen igls ovs platgeda,
La vischnanchetta spetga giun en fop!
Chise igl Toissa arda scu barnia;
Igls neivels, feman sur chel grond altar! –
Egl chegl gl'antschains da l'oraziung? – Biia
igl pievel tgi so creir; Sperar, Orar!
Fr. Alexander Lozza
Sunday in Salouf
The white church is enthroned on a gentle hill.
The old tower is now a call to prayer.
He is a finger that points to heaven,
an arrow upwards from earthly trouble.
A winter morning. – Like a ptarmigan,
crouches the village, awakening from the hollow below.
At the sound of bells the children come laughing,
followed by the pious people in a long line.
The mountain in the morning light burns and shines,
the clouds are the incense on the altar,
while the songs from the church are sounding. –
Yes, blessed is the people who can believe.
Duri Lozza (Translation)
Audio Guide
Veia digl Pader 09: Dumengia a Salouf
Responsible for this content: Verein Parc Ela.
This content has been translated automatically.

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