Leisure/Service Bregaglia Engadin

Via Sett: Historischer Verkehrsweg

Eine 2012 sorgfältig renovierte Kehre des historischen Verkehrsweges über den Septimer.
Handwerker aus Italien haben die Strasse in alter Technik saniert.

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Die Steine aus der bestehenden Strasse wurden wieder verwendet. Ein Wassergraben auf der Hangseite dient der Entwässerung.
Via Sett: Historic traffic route


Have you noticed what a beautiful road you are walking on? This paving has its origins in 1387, when the bishop of Chur commissioned Jakob von Castelmur to expand the road for carts. Due to the intensive use of the path and the repeatedly neglected repairs, the road has been renovated several times. Today, there is  probably not a stone left of the original Castel street. The route and the type of paving are still original.

Historic traffic routes are endangered by the expansion of roads and forest paths, which is why the federal government is trying to protect them . He has drawn up an inventory of the condition of all important historic traffic routes.  As a result of these efforts, the renovation of the Septimerweg was also tackled. In 2012 the road from Bivio to Casaccia was renovated. The work lasted throughout the summer and cost around 110,000

At the audio symbol , Hans Peter Kistler, responsible for historic traffic routes at the Federal Roads Office, and Marcello Crüzer, site manager of the Bregaglia region, will tell you how such historic roads are protected and renovated.

Audio Guide

Interview IVS


Via Sett: Historischer Verkehrsweg

Responsible for this content: Verein Parc Ela.
This content has been translated automatically.

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